Photo 52: A Play on Light (Week 18: Indoor Natural Light)

This is our 18th week of our blog circle focusing on various lighting techniques and this month we are focusing natural indoor light. It's January so we will be spending a lot more time indoors this month so we picked a theme that we could really push ourselves to explore and that is finding light inside the home (be it our home or other places where we live or visit). In NYC apartments, in can be tough to find light but it's recommended to spend a day observing the light in your home to see how it falls during different times of the day. Oftentimes your bathroom or kitchen can get the nicest light and these are places often overlooked for great photographs. This week, I attended a bris of my good friend's baby son. The light inside the building was fantastic so I took the opportunity to take some shots of Harper and this was one of my favorites from the day.

Please follow along the blog circle and check out my Seattle friend Kami Chaudhery's take on indoor light and see if either of her darling girls where photographed this week HERE.